Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Birthday Present

A week from tomorrow, I will be leaving the "ripe ol' age" of 22 in the dust.

A week from tomorrow, I will celebrating my 2nd annual 21st birthday, or as some of you puritans like to refer to it, my 23rd birthday.

Some of you have already reached this milestone, some of you have some time left - but what's pretty remarkable about it is how unremarkable it really is.

You get to do new things at ages 16, 18, 21 and 25, but for everything after and inbetween, there's not much going on. You get to look forward to hanging out with your friends and family and celebrating as much as you'd like.

I never really thought about it until recently, but this will be my first birthday away from everything - away from my family, my friends and from my home...sooo...what do I do?

Well, in the past I've had parties at skating rinks, clubs in Worcester and Boston (Shboom's, anyone?), and McMurphy's Tavern, but this year I need to do something different. I'm growing into my adult years, and going out binge drinking with a day at the office looming the next morning isn't exactly the best choice. The thought of cake isn't even as exciting as it used to be:

Oh, 8 year old Molly. Maybe cake didn't excite you then either...


There's this amazing charity campaign that let's you donate your birthdays to raise money to help get clean water to developing nations. It's called MyCharity:Water, and for only $20, you can give someone clean water FOR LIFE.

I set up my own campaign page (ordained with this terribly flattering picture of myself), and have set my goal for $300. If we actually reach that, we will have helped 15 people or 3 families. How amazing is that?

When was the last time you truly did something nice for someone you'll never get to meet? And just think, instead of buying me a drink on my birthday, you'll be buying someone a lifetime supply of clean water for the same price as that bar tab - and you'll be sparing me the hangover!

I've already donated $23, and it's practically unmentionable to buy yourself a drink (let alone someone else!) on your birthday, so pitch in. $1 or more can really make a difference, see for yourself:

So I may not have presents, friends, families or an epic night out to the bar this year - I don't really know what I'll do to celebrate this year - but if we could do this together, I know it'll make this year unforgettable not only for me, but for everyone we can help.

Just think it over (especially if you're in desperate need of some serious karma points) and on April 7th, whether you're celebrating with me or not, we can all raise a toast of clean water together!